CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Index- 13
propagation delay, B--1
quality factor, B-- 5
rise time, B-- 3, Glossary--14
RMS, B--3, Glossary--14
S/N ratio, B --5
stddev, B--3
undershoot, Glossary--10
waveform count , B--3
width, Glossary--11, Glossary--12
Measurement accuracy, ensuring maximum,
Measurement annotation, 3--155
Measurement parameter, Glossary-- 9
Measurement setup, C--11
Measurement stati stics, 3--155, Glossary--9
Measurement tracking, Glossary--10
Measurements, C --2
automated, 3 --148
Classes of, 3--147
cursor, 3--160
high and low levels defined, B--6
levels used in taking, B--5, B--6
reference levels defined, B -- 6
reference le vels defined (eye pattern/optical), B--7
Measuring waveforms, 3 --147
absolute re ference, 3--152
access gating, 3--159
annotate measurement , 3--155
annotate waveforms on screen, 3--149
annotated display, 3--149
automatic measurements, 3--148
calibrate the oscilloscope, 3--172
change cursor position, 3--166
channel, 3--150
check the calibration status, 3--172, 3--179
compensate probe timing (deskew), 3 --182, 3--183
components determining time cursor readout values,
connect the fixture, 3 --174
connect the probe, 3--175
connect the probe calibration fixture, 3 -- 173
cursor, 3--160
cursor measurements, 3--148
cursor types, 3--161, 3--162
cursor units depend on sources, 3--164
cursors are display limited, 3 --162
cursors ignore the selected waveform , 3--162
cursors treat sources independently, 3--163
customize measurements, 3--149
display measurement statistics, 3--155
display the calibration instructions, 3--172
display the cursor controls window, 3--166
enable & position the gates, 3--160
FastFrame, 3--150
gates, 3--150
gating, 3--159
graticule, cursor and automatic measurements,
high/low method, 3--151
histogram, 3--151, 3--157
histogram counting, 3--169
histogram counting stays on, 3--169
histogram mean, 3--151, 3--157
histogram measurements, 3--171
histogram size, 3--169
horizontal cursors, 3--161
horizontal histogram view and measurement data,
illustrated, 3 --168
indep, cursor, 3--167
low frequency compe nsation, 3--180
math waveforms, 3--150
max, 3--155
mean, 3 --155
measure part of a waveform, 3--150
measurement gating, 3 --159
measurement selection, 3--150
measurement sources, 3 --150
min, 3 --155
min-max, 3--151, 3--157
multipurpose knobs, 3--165
noise, 3--152
number of measurements, 3--150
open histogram setup window, 3 --169
optimize gain and offset accuracy, 3-- 178
optimizing measurement accuracy, 3--171
paired cursors, 3--161
reference le vels method, 3 --152
reference-level c alculation methods, 3--152
references, 3 --150
relative reference, 3 --152
remove measurem ents, 3--154
see statistics on measurement results, 3--149
select a cursor type, 3--166
select measurement parameters, 3 --149
select measurement sources, 3 --150
select the cursor sources, 3--166
select the waveform, 3--153
set cursor style, 3--167
set cursor tracking, 3--167
set display and reset histogram source and type,
set histogram display options, 3--170
set histogram limit controls, 3--171
set measurement reference levels, 3--156, 3--157
signal type, 3--152
sources, 3--150