CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
4. Use the backup tool that displays to select your backup media and to select
the files and folders that you want to back up. Use the Windows online help
for information on using the Backup tool. You can back up to the floppy
drive or to a third-party storage device over the printer port (rear panel).
Installing Software
The instrument system and application software is preinstalled at the factory. If
you have to reinstall the software for any reason, refer to the instructions that
accompany the CDs that are shipped with the instrument. If you need to restore
the operating system, you also need the Windows licence information from the
Certificate of Authenticity that is shipped with the instrument.
Read the software release notes README.TXT ASCII file on the product-soft-
ware CD before performing installation procedures. This file contains additional
installation and operation information that supercedes other product documenta-
To view the README.TXT file, open the Notepad Windows accessory. Then
open the file on the Product Software CD.
The Product Software CD also contains accessory software and files that you can
choose to install in the instrument or in another computer. Refer to the instruc-
tions that accompany the CD for installation information.
GPIB Programmer Online Help Software. You can install the GPIB Programmer
online help on the instrument, but it may be more convenient to install it on the
PC that is functioning as the GPIB system controller. F rom the system controller,
you can copy and paste commands from the help directly into your test pro-
grams. The programmer information contains the following content:
H GPIB configuration information for the instrument
H Lists of the command groups and the commands they contain
Software Release Notes
Accessory Software