Important: Operator Checkl ist Mod el 5454
Section 7 Important: O perator Checklist
During Cleaning and Sanitizing
Cleaning and sanitizin g schedules are governed
by federal, state, or local regul atory age ncies, and
must be followed accordingly. If th e un it has a
“Standby mode”, it must not be used in lieu of
proper cleani ng and sanitizing procedures and
frequencies set forth by the ruling health
authority. The following check points should be
stressed during the cleaning and saniti zing
Troubleshooting Bacterial Count
j 1. Thoroughly clean and sanitize machine
regularly, including complete disassembly and
brush cleaning.
j 2. Use all brushes supplied for thorough cleaning.
The brushes are specially designed to reach all
mix passageways.
j 3. Use t he white bristle brush to cleanthe mix feed
tube which ext ends from the mix cabinet up to
the rear of the freezing c ylinder.
j 4. Use the black b ristle br ush to thoroughly clean
the rear shell bear ing located at the rear of the
freezing cylinder. Be sure to have a generous
amount of cleaning solution on the brush.
USE OF RERUN, make sure the mix rerun is
stored in a sanitized, covered stainless steel
container and used the following day. DO NOT
prime the machine with rer un. When using
rerun, skim off the foam and discard, then mix
the rerunwith fresh mix in a ratio of 50/50 during
the day’s oper ation.
j 6. On a des ignated day of the week, run the mix as
low as feasible and dis card after c losing. This
will break the rerun cycle and reduce the
possibility of high bacteria and coliform counts .
j 7. Pr operly prepare the cleaning and sanitizing
solutions. Read and follow label directions
carefully. Too strong of a solution may damage
the parts and too weak of a solution will not do
an adequate job of cleaning or sanitizing.
j 8. Em pty all syrup fr om the tanks and discard at
least once a week.
j 9. Thoroughly clean and sanitize the syrup lines at
least once a week.
j10. The temperatur e of mix in the mix cabinet and
the walk- in cooler should be below 40_F.
Regular Maintenance Checks
j 1. Rota te the sc raper blades to allow both sides of
the k nife edge to wear evenly. This will
contributeto s elf- sharpening and help maintain
fast, efficient freezing.
j 2. Replace the scraper blades that are nicked or
damaged. Before installing the beater, be
certain that scraper blades are properly
attached over the p ins.
j 3. Check the rear shell bearing for signs of wear
(excessive mix leakage in rear drip tray) and be
certain it is properly cleaned.
j 4. Using a sc rewdriver and cloth towel, keep the
rear shell bearings and the female hex drive
sockets clean and free of lubricant and mix
j 5. Dispos e of o- r ings and seals if they are worn,
torn, or fit too loosely, and replace them with
new ones.
j 6. Fo llow all lubricating procedures as outlined in