Mod el 5454 Operat ing Procedures
Using the sanitizing water, thoroughly brush clean the
dip tube, sy rup line fitting, and o- r ing. Reassemble the
dip tube, o- ring and syrup line fitting.
Pour off all the s anitizing solution. Air dry the tank by
placing it in an upside- down position o n a clean, dry
surfac e.
Repeat this procedure for all the syr up tanks.
Step 2
Sanitizing the syrup lines. Pr epare one gallon (3.8
liters) of an approved 100 PPM saniti zing solution with
warm water in the spare sy rup tank. Replace and lock
the tank lid into position. Place this tank in the syrup
compart ment.
Connect one of the air lines and one of the syrup lines
to the syrup tank filled with sanitizing s olution.
Place the power switch in the ON posit ion. This will
activate the air compressor to s upply pressure to the
syrup system.
Atta ch the sy rup sampler to the first syrup line. Press
the syrup sampler into an empty mix pail. This will
cause syrup residue to be forced out into the pail.
When full str ength sanit izing solution is flowing from
the syrup line, release the syrup sampler.
Clear the syr up line of any remaining sanitizer by
turning the syrup tank (wit h the sanitizing solution)
upside- down and pressing the sy rup sampler into the
mix pail. Release the syrup sampler and return the
syrup tank right side up.
Repeat this procedure for all the syr up lines.
Place the power s witch in the OFF position.