Operat ing Procedures Mod el 5454
Step 5
Assemble the flar e line and the suction line. Assemble
the weight into the suction line. Attach the mix suction
line to the barbed end of the mix inlet fitting, and allow
the w eighted end to hang freely.
Note: The suction line must fit tightly against the mix
inlet fitting.
Figure 33
Push both nuts back from the end of the flare line and
lightly lubricate the underside of the plastic flare. This
will enable the flare nut to turn freely without twisting
the tubing.
Figure 34
Atta ch one end of the flare line to the threaded fitting
on the lower side of the pump cylinder , and allow the
other end to hang free.
Step 6
Secure the a ir/mix pump. Place the pump collar over
the pump cylinder . (T he cross holes of the pump collar
will be on top.)
Figure 35
Align the drive hole in the piston to the ball crank of the
motor reducer. At the same time, align the locating pin
hole in the pump cylinder to the locating pin on the face
Figure 36
Slide the pump collar upwards into the grooves on the
side of the face plate and secure the air/ mix pump in
place by slipping the retaining pin through the cr oss
holes of th e pump collar.
Note: Alignment of th e air/m ix pump is
extrem ely important. Sever e and costly damage may
occur if it is not properly aligned.