Value Meaning
since last reset.
ELR 0 255 0
Elevation Range Counter. Number of times elevation was out of range (not
between 0% and 15%) at power-up since last reset.
ELL 0 255 0
Elevation Lost Counter. After pressing START and reaching 0% reset, the
number of times elevation went beyond 0% to 15%, since last reset.
CMS 0 255 0
Check Motor System Counter. Number of times motor current measured 0
when commanded to move.
CSS 0 255 0
Check Speed System Counter. Number of times speed sensor feedback went to
0 while motor was commanded to move.
ELZ 172 242 172
Elevation Zero. Representation of voltage to elevation motor to obtain 0%
elevation. Multiply ELEV ZERO by 0.019608 to get actual voltage.
ELM 25 170 25
Elevation Max. Representation of voltage to elevation motor to obtain 15%
(maximum) elevation (incline). Multiply ELEV MAX by 0.019608 to get actual
DCK 0 65,535 0
Last Deck. Number of miles (UNITS=English), or km (UNITS=Metric) since
the running deck was last serviced or replaced.
BLT 0 65,535 0
Last Belt. Number of miles (UNITS=English), or km (UNITS=Metric) since
the running belt was last replaced.
MTR 0 65,535 0
Last Motor. Number of miles (UNITS=English), or km (UNITS=Metric) since
the motor brushes were last serviced or replaced.
MDL 1 3 N/A Model Number.
1 – S-TRc
2 – S-TRx
3 – S-TR
QKS 0 9999 0 Quick Start Program Counter. Number of times the Quick Start program was
run since last reset.
MNL 0 9999 0 Manual Program Counter. Number of times the Manual program was run
since last reset.
BRN 0 9999 0 Burn Calories Program Counter. Number of times the Burn Calories program
was run since last reset.
INC 0 9999 0 Increase Endurance Program Counter. Number of times the Increase
Endurance program was run since last reset.
CHR 0 9999 0 Constant Heart Rate Control Program Counter. Number of times the
Constant Heart Rate program was run since last reset.
DHR 0 9999 0 Dynamic Heart Rate Control Program Counter. Number of times the Dynamic
Heart Rate program was run since last reset.
BNF 0 9999 0 Burn Fat Program Counter. Number of times the Burn Fat program was run
since last reset.
FIT 0 9999 0 Fitness Test Program Counter. Number of times the Fitness Test program
was run since last reset.
FIR 0 9999 0 Firefighter Test Program Counter. Number of times Firefighter Test program
was run since last reset.
CAL 0 9999 0 Calories Workout Program Counter. Number of times the Calories Workout
program was run since last reset.
5KL 0 9999 0 5K Loop Program Counter. Number of times 5K Loop program was run since