Value Meaning
0.3 (mi)
0.8 (k)
2.0 (mi)
3.2 (k)
0.5 (mi)
0.8 (k)
Minimum Speed. Treadmill minimum operating speed in miles or kilometers,
based on current UNx setting.
5.0 (mi)
5.0 (k)
12.5 (mi)
20.0 (k)
5.0 (mi)
5.0 (k)
Maximum Speed. Treadmill maximum operating speed in miles or kilometers ,
based on current UNx setting.
ACC 25 60 25
Acceleration Time. Time in seconds to accelerate from current speed to a
specified higher speed.
DEC 20 60 20
Deceleration Time. Time in seconds to decelerate from current speed to a
specified lower speed.
AST OFF ON OFF Auto Stop Enable. Enables/disables Auto Stop function.
AFE OFF ON ON Auto Fan Enable. Enables/disables Auto Fan function.
PAU 30 120 60 Pause duration during a program, in seconds, either 30, 45, 60, 90 or 120.
Your Service Representative may need to check accumulated data about the past usage of your treadmill, test its display
controls, or investigate error messages. For these reasons, your treadmill is equipped with a Maintenance Mode. The
Maintenance Mode includes all of the items available through Manager Mode, plus additional items for Service and Diagnostic
use. To enter Maintenance Mode:
1. Press and hold the , and keys together.
2. A beep will sound and “MAINTENANCE SETTINGS” will scroll once across the PROFILE Window.
3. Release all keys. “SN” will display in the PROFILE Window; the associated numeric value for the parameter will
display in the DISTANCE Window.
NOTE: The system will automatically exit MAINTENANCE SETTINGS if no key is pressed for 30 seconds.
The following keys are used to modify MANAGER SETTINGS:
Increase and Decrease Incline Keys: Display the next (Increase) and previous (Decrease) parameters.
Keys will repeat if held.
Numeric Keypad: Facilitates entry of the desired value for the displayed parameter. These keys do not save
the new value – see OK Key below.
OK Key: Updates (saves) the value of the displayed parameter in Flash memory. “UPDATING” will scroll
once across the PROFILE Window while the update is in process. When the update is complete, the PROFILE
Window will show the new value for the parameter.
NOTE: To exit Maintenance Mode without saving any values or settings, press the STOP key.
NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, the Item (parameter) name is shown in the PROFILE Window, and the value of the
parameter is shown in the DISTANCE Window.
The items that you may display and change with the previous keys are:
SN 0 9999 N/A Serial Number. S Series Treadmill serial number (set by factory).
DSW 1.0 99.99 N/A
Display Software. Display panel software version number (set by factory).
NOTE: Software checksum value is displayed in CALORIES Window; software
Build value is displayed in TIME Window
OHR 0 9999 0 Operating Hours. Total operating hours.
DST 0 9999 0
Distance. Total distance traveled in miles or kilometers, based on current UNx