Value Meaning
Units. UNE (English) = units of pounds, miles, feet, inches
UNM (Metric) = units of kilograms, kilometers, centimeters
NOTE: Current value is shown in PROFILE Window.
TIM 5 99 99 Time. Maximum time in minutes allowed for a program, excluding cooldown.
1 (lb)
1 (kg)
500 (lb)
226 (kg)
155 (lb)
70 (kg)
Default Weight (to user). Typical weight in lb (UNx = UNE) or kg (UNx =
Language. Display language; either LEN (English), LGE (German), LSP
(Spanish), LDU (Dutch), LPO (Portuguese), LFR (French), LIT (Italian), LSW
(Swedish) or LKA (Katakana).
NOTE: Current value is shown in PROFILE Window.
LOE OFF ON OFF Lockout Enable. Enables/disables lockout function.
LOI 001 999 001 Lockout ID. Lockout override identification number.
0.3 (mi)
0.8 (k)
2.0 (mi)
3.2 (k)
0.5 (mi)
0.8 (k)
Minimum Speed. Treadmill minimum operating speed in miles or kilometers,
based on current UNx setting.
5.0 (mi)
5.0 (k)
12.5 (mi)
20.0 (k)
5.0 (mi)
5.0 (k)
Maximum Speed. Treadmill maximum operating speed in miles or kilometers,
based on current UNx setting.
ACC 25 60 25
Acceleration Time. Time in seconds to accelerate from current speed to a
specified higher speed.
DEC 20 60 20
Deceleration Time. Time in seconds to decelerate from current speed to a
specified lower speed.
AST OFF ON OFF Auto Stop Enable. Enables/disables Auto Stop function.
AFE OFF ON OFF Auto Fan Enable. Enables/disables Auto Fan function.
PAU 30 120 60 Pause duration during a program, in seconds, either 30, 45, 60, 90 or 120.
MNP 4 110 25
Minimum PWM. Pulse duty cycle to obtain the selected MN SPD. Divide MN
PWM by 512 to get % duty cycle.
HFP 50 340 197
½ Maximum PWM. Pulse duty cycle to obtain ½ maximum speed. Divide ½
MX SPD by 512 to get % duty cycle.
MXP 172 511 400
Maximum PWM. Pulse duty cycle to obtain the selected MX SPD. Divide MX
PWM by 512 to get % duty cycle.
CRV 31 125 31 Counts/Revs. Number of counts for each motor shaft revolution.
10R 220 740 356
10 Rev distance in tenths of inches. Inches of running belt travel for 10
flywheel revolutions, always measured in inches.
PD1 1 150 1 Person Detect 1. Threshold used for Auto Stop.
PD2 1 150 1 Person Detect 2. Threshold used for Auto Stop.
PD3 1 150 1 Person Detect 3. Threshold used for Auto Stop.
NST 0 255 0
No Stop Counter. Number of times No Stop Counter switch was down or
disconnected on power-up since last reset.
KYD 0 255 0
Key Down Counter. Number of times key other than 5 or 8 was down on
power-up since last reset.
SPC 0 255 0
Speed Change Counter. Number of times speed changed suddenly more than 2
mph (UNITS=English) or 2 km/hr (UNITS=Metric) since last reset.
ELS 0 255 0
Elevation Stall Counter. Number of times elevation failed to change (stalled)