See Chapter 5 for additional information and examples regarding Triggering. Processing
The Processing panel is where you select how to process digitized frames of data. This
processing determines how each frame that is stored in the frame buffer will be constructed.
This processing occurs prior to the calculating of any numerical results.
Figure 21
The Processing options are applicable to both newly input frames from the frame grabber card,
and to recorded frames that are being Post Processed. Below this panel you can also select
the source for reference frames.
Figure 22
When enabled, the precedence of all processing and post processing operations are as follows
(lowest number occurring first):
1. Ultracal Processing (can not be post processed)
2. Gain Correction
3. Gamma Correction
4. Frame Summing
5. Frame Averaging
6. Reference Subtraction
7. Convolution
Although Ultracal is a processing step it is important to note the following:
• Ultracal processing of newly acquired video is not an option in the dialog above.
• Ultracal processing must be enabled from the main screen Menu bar.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC