QuantBeamWidthY Width X (Width Minor)
QuantDiameter Diameter
Note the QuantRadius property. This is a new result not displayed by LBA-PC. This result is the
distance from the Origin to the Centroid. Since the centroid is already relative to the origin this
result is defined as:
CCRadius ×=
The Origin is specified in the Display dialog in the LBA-PC. See section in the LBA-PC
User’s Manual for more information. Statistical results for QuantRadius are also provided in the
Statistics property array. Elliptical Results
These properties provide individual Elliptical beam LBA-PC results. For more information, see
chapter 6 in the LBA-PC Operator’s Manual.
Property Name LBA-PC Result
EllipRotation Rotation
EllipRoundness Roundness Gauss Fit Results
These properties provide individual Gauss Fit LBA-PC results. For more information, see chapter
6 in the LBA-PC Operator’s Manual.
Property Name LBA-PC Result
GaussWholeCentroidX Centroid X
GaussWholeCentroidY Centroid Y
GaussWholeWidthX Width X
GaussWholeWidthY Width Y
GaussWholeHeight Height
GaussWholeDeviation Deviation
GaussWholeCorrelation Correlation
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10