Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
Key Type Value Description
TophatSDMMax F Tophat SD/M, or
Tophat SD/M X; maximum.
0 to 1e3.
EffectiveArea B,B Min,Max test enable.
EffectiveAreaMin F Effective area minimum.
0 to 1e12.
EffectiveAreaMax F Effective area maximum.
0 to 1e12.
EffectiveDiameter B,B Min,Max test enable.
EffectiveDiameterMin F Effective diameter minimum.
0 to 1e12.
EffectiveDiameterMax F Effective diameter maximum.
0 to 1e12.
TophatFactor B,B Min,Max test enable.
TophatFactorMin F Tophat factor minimum.
0.0 to 1.0
TophatFactorMax F Tophat factor maximum.
0.0 to 1.0
TophatMeanMinor B,B Min,Max test enable.
TophatMeanMinorMin F Tophat Mean Y minimum.
-1e12 to 1e12.
TophatMeanMinorMax F Tophat Mean Y maximum.
-1e12 to 1e12.
TophatFluenceMinor B,B Min,Max test enable.
TophatFluenceMinorMin F Tophat Fluence Y minimum.
-1e12 to 1e12.
TophatFluenceMinorMax F Tophat Fluence Y maximum.
-1e12 to 1e12.
TophatDeviationMinor B,B Min,Max test enable.
TophatDeviationMinorMin F Tophat deviation Y minimum.
-1e12 to 1e12.
TophatDeviationMinorMax F Tophat deviation Y maximum.
-1e12 to 1e12.