
MediaScript Objects and Methods 163
To extract each file individually:
var myZip = new Unzip();
var filename = myZip.firstFile();
while (filename != null)
myZip.extractFile("files/" + filename);
filename = myZip.nextFile();
Global Functions
MediaRich supports all the basic ECMAScript capabilities, including conditionals,
variables, functions, and exception handling, as well as the proprietary image processing
functions described here. For information on functions and objects not described in this
guide, refer to the ECMAScript specification at
http://www.ecma.ch/ecma1/STAND/ECMA-262.htm or to a JavaScript reference
MediaRich also allows users to perform data queries and interact with ODBC-compliant
databases through the Database, Cursor, and Stproc objects. For information on how to use
these objects, go to
TH_15927.htm .
Working with Media Processing Functions
MediaScript is able to execute a number of media processing functions, or transforms, that
you can use to generate almost any type of graphic.
Each function has a specific syntax and most include specific parameters that you can use
to provide the information needed to execute the transform as desired. There are also
generic parameters (non-executing parameters and multi-frame parameters) that apply to
all transform commands.
Non-Executing Parameters
All transform commands can use two informational parameters:
ParamInfo - if specified, all the other parameters of the command are ignored. Instead a
list of the legal parameters for that command are printed to the logfile (or screen).
ParamCheck - if specified, the specified function parameters are parsed and checked for
legality and any resulting errors are returned, but the command does not execute.