
144 Chapter 3
Font - specifies the TrueType or PostScript font family name to be used, for example,
“Arial”. MediaRich supports Type 1 (.pfa and .pfb) PostScript fonts only.
NOTE: The size of the font in pixels is dependent on the resolution of the resulting image. If the
resolution of the image is not set (zero), the function uses a default value of 72 DPI.
The default location for fonts specified in a MediaScript is the fonts file system. Which
includes both the MediaRich Shared\Originals\Fonts folder and the default system
fonts folder. If a MediaScript specifies an unavailable font, MediaRich generates an error.
NOTE: You can modify the MediaRich server’s local.properties file to change the default
fonts directory. See the MediaRich Administrator’s Guide for more information.
Style - specifies the font style. You can use any combination of modifiers. Each modifier
should be separated by a space character.
NOTE: The Style parameter is not available if MediaRich is running on Mac, Linux, or Solaris.
Weight modifiers modify the weight (thickness) of the font. Valid weight values, in order
of increasing thickness, are:
“extralight” or “ultralight”
“normal” or “regular”
“semibold” or “demibold” (“semi” or “demi” are also acceptable)
“extrabold” or “ultrabold” (“extra” or “ultra” are also acceptable)
“heavy” or “black”
Other Style parameters are “Underline”, “Italic” or “Italics”, and “Strikethru” or
NOTE: You can combine Style parameters. For example: Style @ “Bold Italic”
Text - specifies the text to be drawn. The text string must be enclosed in quotes. To indicate
a line break, insert \n into the text.
Size - the point size of the font to be used. The default size is 12.
Justify - specifies how the text will be justified. The default is “center”. Other options are
“left”, “right”, and “justified”. This parameter only affects text with multiple lines.
Wrap - if specified, uses the value to force a new line whenever the text gets longer than the
specified number of pixels (in this case correct word breaking is used).
Line - specifies the line spacing. The default spacing between lines of text is 1.5.
Smooth - specifies that the text is drawn with five-level anti-aliasing.
Spacing - adjusts the spacing between the text characters. The default is 0. A negative
value draws the text characters closer together.