RotatetheDial-A-CleanerTM selector knobto the
letter correspondingtothe desired reservoir.
Open the chemicalvalve handle fully on thedual
lance byturningit countemlockwiseto place the
cleaningsystem in low pressure mode. Detergent
cannot be applied with the chemical valve
handle in the high pressure position.
Wash and Rinse Surface
This CraftsmanCleaning System permitsregulationof
outputwater pressureby varyingthe enginespeed.
The PressureCommandTM found on the front panel
may be set, as follows:
Pressure Low to High
Duty Light Medium Heav"t
Application Auto Concrete Paint removal
Boat Driveway Degreasing
Furniture Deck
Afteryou haveapplieddetergent,scourthe surface
withthe highpressurewater streamand then rinseit
clean, as follows:
• Closethe chemicalvalve handlefullyon the dual
lance byturningit clockwiseto placethe cleaning
systemin highpressuremode. Chemicalwillnot
flow when in the highpressuremode.
Select and installthe desired nozzlefollowingthe
instructionson'How to Use the Nozzles"on page 6.
AdjustPressureCommancFMcontrol toobtain
• Connect garden hose to water inlet, checkthat desiredwater pressure.
high pressurehose is connected tospray gunand Expandthe spray patternfor a more gentlednsing
pump (see ASSEMBLY on page 4), andstart action. Startat top ofarea to be dnsed,working.
engine, downwith same actionas for cleaning.
CAUTION: Test a small areaof thesurfaceto
be cleaned. Make surethere isno damage
Attachgarden caused bythe highpressurespray.
to hoseto
CAUTION: Beforestarting yourCleaning
System,make sure you have read and followed
the instructionsin the sections=BeforeStarting
the Cleaning System"on page 8 and "To Start
the Cleaning System"on page 8.
WARNING: Be extremely careful if you must
use thecleaning system from a ladder,
scaffoldingor any other relativelyunstable
location.When you pressthe trigger,the recoil
from the initial spraycouldforce youtofall, or if
you are too close tothe cleaningsurface,the
high pressurespray couldforce you offa
Start at lower portionof area to be washed and
work upward,using long,even overlappingstrokes.
Allowdetergent to 'soak in' (between 3-5 minutes)
before washingand rinsing.Reapply as neededto
preventsurface from drying.
It is imperativethatthe chemicalselectorsystembe
rinsedafter each useto preventcloggingor leaks:
Fillthe System Rinsereservoirwithclean water.
Beforedisconnectingthewater supply,start your'
CAUTION: Before startingyour Cleaning
System,makesure you have readand followed
the instructionsinthesections"Before Starting
the CleaningSystem"on page 8 and "To Start
the CleaningSystem"on page 8.
Open the chemicalvalve handlefullyon the dual
lance bytuming itcounterclockwiseto place the
cleaningsystemin low pressuremode.
Rotate the Dial-A-CleanerTM selectorknobto the
lettercorrespondingto the System Rinsetank. As
clean rinsewaterisdrawn throughthe system,
continuetheflow untilnodetergentfoam is
• Rotate the Dial-A-CleanerTM selector Imob to the
OFF position.