
Checkchemicaltanksandfillersfor damage.
Check gun and wand assemblyfor leaks.
Purge pumpofair and contaminants.
Check engine oil level.
Check and Clean Inlet Screen
Examine garden hose inletscreen. Clean if if is
cloggedor replaceifit istom.
Check High Pressure Hose
High pressure hosescan develop leaksfrom wear,
kinking,or abuse, inspecthose beforeeach use.
Check for cuts, leaks, abrasions, bulgingof cover, or
damage or movement ofcouplings, ffany of these
conditionsexist, replace hose immediately.
A DANGER: Never repair a highpressure hose.
Replace with hosethat meetsthe minimum
pressurerating ofyour cleaningsystem
Check Chemical Reservoirs
Tank coversshouldsnap cleanlyontotank. Ensure
chemicallabelscorrectlyidentifytank contents.
Ensurethat the System Rinsetank isfilled with clean
water. Ensurethat Dial-A-CleanerTM selectorknob
rotatesfreely between each position.Examine the
tanks and replaceifthe filter is clogged
Check Gun and Wand
Examine:h0seconnectionto gun and make sure itis
secure.Test triggerby pressingif and making sure it
springsback intoplace when you release it. Put safety
latch in UP positionand test trigger.You should not be
able topress trigger.Replace gun immediatelyif it
fails any ofthese tests.
Purge Pump of Air and Contaminants
To removethe air from the pump, followthese steps:
Set up the cleaningsystem as described in the
ASSEMBLY sectionand connect the water supply.
Remove thewand extensionfromthe gun.
Pullthetriggeron the gun and holduntil a steady
streamofwater appears.
To removethe contaminants from the pump, follow
these steps:
Set upthe cleaningsystem as describedin the
ASSEMBLY section,and connect the water supply.
Remove the nozzleattachmentfrom the gun.
Startthe engine according to instructionsin
OPERATION section.
Pullthe triggeron the gunand hold.
When thewater supplyis steadyand constant,
engage the safetylatch and refsstenthe nozzle
Nozzle Maintenance
If the nozzlebecomes restrictedor cloggedwith
foreignmaterials,suchas dirt,excessivepump
pressure may develop.A partiallycloggednozzlecan
cause a pulsingconditionduring use.This generallyis
not a pumprelatedproblem,but rathera clogged or
If the nozzle becomescloggedor partiallyrestricted,
immediatelycleanthe nozzlewiththe kitincludedwith
yourcleaningsystem byfollowingthese instructions:
Shut offtheengine and tam offthe water supply.
Presstriggerto relivewater pressure.
Separate the dual lancefrom the gun.
Usethe wire includedin the kitor a small paper
cliptofree the foreign materialscloggingor
restrictingthe nozzle.
Insert wire Into
nozzle and tum
back and forth
to clear
Remove additionaldebrisby backflushingwater
supplythroughdual lance (Figure2). Back flush
between 30 to 60 seconds.Backflushbothlances
bytumingchemicalvalve handle.
Reconnectthe dual lanceto the spraygun.
Reconnectthe water supply,turnon thewater, and
startthe engine.
Test thecleaningsystem byoperatingwith the unit
in highand the low pressure.