Read these instructionsand learn howto use your
cleaning system beforeyou attemptto startyour
cleaning system. If you have any problems operating
your cleaningsystem, please call the pressurewasher
helpUneat 1-800-222-3136.
How To Use the NozTJes
,_ DANGER: Never exchange nozzleswithout
lockingthe safetylatch on thetrigger.
The quick-connect on the dual lanceallowsyou
switch between four differentnozzles. The nozzles
vary the spray patternof the highpressurestreamas
shown below.
White Green
Yellow Red
In order t0 Changethe nozzle beingused,followthese
Engage the safety latch on the spraygun.
Safety Latch
Pull backthe collaron the quickconnectand pull
the currentnozzle off;Store the nozzle in the space
providedon the controlpanel.
Note: For a more gentle rinse, selectthe 40* or 25"
degree nozzle. To scourthe surface,selectthe 15° or
0° nozzle.
• Pull backthe collar,insertthe new nozzle and
release the collar, makingsure itbecomes flush
with the end ofthe quickconnect. Pullon the
nozzle to make sure it is securelyin place.
Note: The chemicalnozzle ispermanentlyaffixedto
your dual lanceand has a spray pettem of25
degrees. Itmustbe used when applyingchemical.
• For mosteffectivecleaning, keep spray nozzle
between 8 to 24 inchesaway from cleaning
• Damage tothe surface may occur ifyou get the
spray nozzletoo clove to it.
Cleaning With The Nozzles ana ,_lying
WARNING: You mustattachall hosesbefore
you startthe engine. Startingthe engine without
allthe hosesconnected andwithoutthe water
turnedON willdamage the pump.
IMPORTANT: Use soaps designed specificallyfor
pressurewasher cleaningsystems.Household
detergentscoulddamage the pump.
Up to three (3) differentsolutions can be carded onthe
cleaningsystemat one time. To applydetergentfollow
these steps:
• Dilutionis necessarywhen usingthe supplied
chemicalpackets, Simplysnipone comer of the
plastic pouch,pour the chemicalinto the tank, then
fill the tank with clean water. Label tanks with the
provided tank labels.
Pour chemical into one of
the tanks labeled A, B, C.