Section 11 Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2
Page 612 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
11.7.18 Contention between TCNT Write and Overflow/Underflow
If there is an up-count or down-count in the T2 state of a TCNT write cycle, and
overflow/underflow occurs, the TCNT write takes precedence and the TCFV/TCFU flag in TSR is
not set.
Figure 11.112 shows the operation timing when there is contention between TCNT write and
Write signal
TCNT address
TCNT write cycle
TCNT write data
TCFV flag
Figure 11.112 Contention between TCNT Write and Overflow
11.7.19 Cautions on Transition from Normal Operation or PWM Mode 1 to Reset-
Synchronized PWM Mode
When making a transition from channel 3 or 4 normal operation or PWM mode 1 to reset-
synchronized PWM mode, if the counter is halted with the output pins (TIOC3B, TIOC3D,
TIOC4A, TIOC4C, TIOC4B, TIOC4D) in the high-level state, followed by the transition to reset-
synchronized PWM mode and operation in that mode, the initial pin output will not be correct.
When making a transition from normal operation to reset-synchronized PWM mode, write H'11 to
registers TIORH_3, TIORL_3, TIORH_4, and TIORL_4 to initialize the output pins to low level
output, then set an initial register value of H'00 before making the mode transition.
When making a transition from PWM mode 1 to reset-synchronized PWM mode, first switch to
normal operation, then initialize the output pins to low level output and set an initial register value
of H'00 before making the transition to reset-synchronized PWM mode.