Section 26 USB 2.0 Host/Function Module
Page 1406 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Bit Bit Name
Value R/W Description
3 PIPE3BEMP 0 R/W* BEMP Interrupts for PIPE3
0: Interrupts not generated
1: Interrupts generated
2 PIPE2BEMP 0 R/W* BEMP Interrupts for PIPE2
0: Interrupts not generated
1: Interrupts generated
1 PIPE1BEMP 0 R/W* BEMP Interrupts for PIPE1
0: Interrupts not generated
1: Interrupts generated
0 PIPE0BEMP 0 R/W* BEMP Interrupts for PIPE0
0: Interrupts not generated
1: Interrupts generated
Note: * Only 0 can be written.
26.3.21 Frame Number Register (FRMNUM)
FRMNUM is a register that determines the source of isochronous error notification and indicates
the frame number.
This register is initialized by a power-on reset.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Initial value:
OVRN CRCE — — — FRNM[10:0]