Section 7 Interrupt Controller
R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00 Page 161 of 2108
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Register Name Abbreviation R/W
Value Address
Interrupt priority register 18 IPR18 R/W H'0000 H'FFFE0C18 16, 32
Interrupt priority register 19 IPR19 R/W H'0000 H'FFFE0C1A 16, 32
Interrupt priority register 20 IPR20 R/W H'0000 H'FFFE0C1C 16, 32
Interrupt priority register 21 IPR21 R/W H'0000 H'FFFE0C1E 16, 32
Interrupt priority register 22 IPR22 R/W H'0000 H'FFFE0C20 16, 32
Notes: 1. For 1-Mbyte version, when the NMI pin is high, becomes H'8000; when low, becomes
H'0000. For 640-Kbyte version, when the pin is high, becomes H'8001; when low,
becomes H'0001.
2. Only 0 can be written after reading 1, to clear the flag.