1998 July 30
Philips Semiconductors Objective Specification, Revision 2.2
Pre-Amplifier for Hard Disk Drive with
MR-Read / Inductive Write Heads
SYMBOL Pin Description
VCC +5V supply
GND Ground
VEE -5V supply
RDP,RDN output Read Data, Differential read signal outputs
RWN logic input Read/Write : read = HIGH, write = LOW
WDP,WDN input Differential PECL or current mode write data input
FLT output
In Write mode, a fault is flagged when FLT is high.
In Read Mode, a fault is flagged when FLT is low.
a 5kΩ external resistor must be connected between FLT and VCC.
This pad is used as an input in MDS mode.
REXT a 10kΩ external resistor must be connected between REXT and GND
SEN logic input Serial Enable line. Active High
SCLK logic input Serial Clock line. 40 MHz max.
SDATA logic
Serial Data line. Bi-directional interface
BFAST logic input Controls reader passband or enables the Imr generator depending on the state
of BFCTL bit from Reg.01
DRN logic input Selects the dummy head or performs a system reset depending on the state of
RSTDMY bit from Reg.09
RP0...RP11 input MR head connections, positive end
RN0...RN11 input MR head connections, negative end
WP0...WP11 output Write head connections, positive end
WN0...WN11 output Write head connections, negative end
STWN logic input Set Low for Servo Track Write mode only
CS0 logic input Code for Chip ID
CS1 logic input Code for Chip ID