1998 July 30
Philips Semiconductors Objective Specification, Revision 2.2
Pre-Amplifier for Hard Disk Drive with
MR-Read / Inductive Write Heads
- Temperature digitizer
This measurement can be done either in Active Read mode or in Active Write mode.
Note 9a : RSTDMY define DRN pin functionality
Note 9b : MODE1,MODE0 power management control bits
- Test mode is a state where both Reader and Writer are ON when R/W pin is LOW : in write mode, reader
signal is present at RDP-RDN output pins.
- (A2=A1=1 and STWN=0) is a broadcast mode condition, where all the preamps will treat the data arriving on
SDATA line.
- In order to get two write head selected, Head Hx should be programmed in Reg. 00 (x = 0 to 5). In that case
Head Hx and Head H(x+6) will be selected in STW (Servo Track Write) 2 heads.
Note 11a : ENFST define BFAST pin functionality when Thermal Asperity Compression is ON
Note 11b : Thermal Asperity Compression ( TAC ) functionality
When a thermal asperity occurs at the reader input, the reader output signal get superposed with an amplified
signal corresponding, to a certain extent, to the thermal asperity.
LOW LOW Serial Interface register reset
LOW HIGH No effect
HIGH LOW No effect
HIGH HIGH Dummy Head selected in read mode
A2 A1 Mode1 Mode0 STWN
CS1 CS0 0 0 x Sleep
CS1 CS0 0 1 x Standby
CS1 CS0 1 0 1 Active Read or Write
1 1 1 0 0 Active STW with one head
CS1 CS0 1 1 1 Test mode
1 1 1 1 0 Active STW with 2 heads in write mode
1 1 x x 1 Forbidden : no change in register
ENFST BFAST functionality
LOW inhibit BFAST control of the passband
HIGH enable BFAST control of the passband