1998 July 30
Philips Semiconductors Objective Specification, Revision 2.2
Pre-Amplifier for Hard Disk Drive with
MR-Read / Inductive Write Heads
10.2 Fault Mode
Fault conditions are indicated on the FLT pin (HIGH during write mode and LOW during read mode). The fault condition
is coded and stored in Reg. 07 for monitoring purposes. The fault code is cleared on power up, on system reset and on
writing to Reg.09
The FLT output is an open collector to an external resistor of 5Kohms connected to +5V.
Table 1: Fault Conditions
Mode Fault condition FCOD3 FCOD2 FCOD1 FCOD0
Both No fault 0 0 0 0
Read Write current present 0 0 0 1
Fault code not used 0 0 1 0
Thermal Asperity detected 0 0 1 1
Read head open 0 1 0 0
Write No write current 0 1 0 1
Write Data frequency to low 0 1 1 0
Write head open 0 1 1 1
Write head shorted to GND 1 0 0 0
Both Rext open or short 1 0 0 1
Write to read head short 1 0 1 0
Low Vcc or Low Vee 1 0 1 1
Fault code not used 1 1 0 0
Illegal head address 1 1 0 1
Fault code not used 1 1 1 0
Temperature too high 140 C 1 1 1 1