
This section explains most important terms, abbreviations, and acronyms used in this document.
Term Explanation
AC-3 Audio Coding 3, also known as Dolby Digital. Multi-channel digital audio
compression system from Dolby Labs.
A/V Audio/Video
Chapter A part of a title.
Disc Bar A graphical representation of the contents of a (DVD+RW) disc.
Disc Pointer An arrow indicating the current playback/recording position on the
DVD+RW disc, appears on the ‘disc bar’.
DTS Digital Theater System. A high-end Multi-channel audio compression
DV Digital Video. A camcorder format for high-quality video, different from
MPEG. It is converted into MPEG 2 video when recorded on DVD-RW.
DVD Digital Versatile Disc
DVD+RW DVD+ReWritable. The disc standard used by the DVD Recorder.
i.LINK Also known as ‘FireWire’ and ‘IEEE 1394.’ A cable for transfer of high
band width digital signals as used by Digital Video camcorders.
Index Picture Screen A screen that gives an overview of a DVD+RW disc, with ‘index
pictures’ that each represent a recording.
MPEG Motion Picture Experts Group. A collection of compression systems for
digital audio and video.
NTSC See TV system. NTSC is the most common color system in the U.S.
OSD On-screen Display. The menus by which you can control the DVD
Recorder via the TV screen.
OTR One-Touch Recording. With this feature you can easily start a
recording (by pushing just one button) and select the switch-off time in
intervals of 30 minutes.
PAL See TV system.
PBC Playback Control. A special feature on a VCD 2.0 or Super VCD that
enables interactive use.
PBS Public Broadcast Service. The channel that transmits data for Auto
Clock Set and VCR Plus+ programming.
PCM Pulse Code Modulation. A digital audio encoding system.
RGB Red-Green-Blue. A top-quality video connection where red, green and
blue components of a video signal are carried through separate wires.
SECAM See TV system.