
Circuit Descriptions, Abbreviation List, and IC Data Sheets
EN 65L06.1E 9.
9.3 Software Upgrading
In this chassis, you can upgrade the software via the IAP tool
(In Application Programming). This offers the possibility, to
replace the entire SW image without having to remove the
flash-RAM from its socket. You can find more information on
this in Chapter 5 ("Service Modes, Error Codes, and
Faultfinding") in the paragraph “IAP Tool”.
9.4 Abbreviation List
0/6/12 SCART switch control signal on A/V
board. 0 = loop through (AUX to TV), 6
= play 16:9 format, 12 = play 4:3
2CS 2 Carrier Sound
A2 Commonly known as 2 Carrier Sound
(2CS) system
AC Alternating Current
ACI Automatic Channel Installation:
algorithm that installs TV channels
directly from a cable network by
means of a predefined TXT page
ADC Analogue to Digital Converter
ADOC Analogue Digital One Chip
AFC Automatic Frequency Control: control
signal used to tune to the correct
AGC Automatic Gain Control: algorithm that
controls the video input of the feature
AM Amplitude Modulation
ANC Automatic Noise Reduction; One of
the algorithms of Auto TV
AP Asia Pacific
AR Aspect Ratio: 4 by 3 or 16 by 9
ASD Automatic Standard Detection
AUDIO-SL Audio Surround Left
AV Audio Video
AVL Automatic Volume Level control
B-SC1-IN Blue SCART1 in
B-SC2-IN Blue SCART2 in
B-TXT Blue teletext
B/G Monochrome TV system. Sound
carrier distance is 5.5 MHz
BBD Black Bar Detection
BCL Beam Current Limiter
BC-PROT PROTection signal to the
microprocessor in case of a too high
Beam Current.
BLC-INFO BLack Current INFO.
BLD BLack Level Detection.
BS BLack Stretch.
BTSC Broadcast Television Standard
Committee; Multiplex FM stereo sound
system, originating from the USA and
used e.g. in LATAM and AP-NTSC
C Centre channel (audio) or Chroma;
The NTSC/PAL/SECAM video signal
contains two parts that make up what
we see on the display; the luminance
(or intensity) part and the colour (or
chroma) part
CBA Circuit Board Assembly (or PWB)
CL Constant Level: audio output to
connect with an external amplifier
CLUT Colour Look Up Table
ComPair Computer aided rePair
CRT Cathode Ray Tube (or picture tube)
CSM Customer Service Mode
CTI Colour Transient Improvement;
Manipulation of the steepness of the
chroma transients
CVBS Composite Video Blanking and
CVBS-EXT CVBS signal from external source
(VCR, VCD, etc.)
CVBS-INT CVBS signal from Tuner
CVBS-MON CVBS monitor signal
CVBS-TER-OUT CVBS terrestrial out
CVI Component Video Input