Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding
EN 12 L06.1E5.
5. Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding
Index of this chapter:
5.1 Test Points
5.2 Service Modes
5.3 Problems and Solving Tips Related to CSM
5.4 Service Tools
5.5 Error Codes
5.6 The Blinking LED Procedure
5.7 Software Downloading
5.8 Fault Finding and Repair Tips
5.1 Test Points
This chassis is equipped with test points in the service printing.
In the schematics, test points are identified with a rectangle box
around Fxxx or Ixxx. These test points are specifically
mentioned in the service manual as “half moons” with a dot in
the centre.
The chassis is equipped with test points (Fxxx) printed on the
circuit board assemblies. As most signals are digital, it will be
almost impossible to measure waveforms with a standard
oscilloscope. Therefore, waveforms are not given in this
Perform measurements under the following conditions:
• Television set in Service Default Alignment Mode.
• Video input: Colour bar signal.
• Audio input: 3 kHz left channel, 1 kHz right channel.
5.2 Service Modes
Service Default mode (SDM) and Service Alignment Mode
(SAM) offer several features for the service technician, while
the Customer Service Mode (CSM) and the Digital Customer
Service Mode (DCSM, only for TVs with digital reception
module) are used for communication between the call centre
and the customer.
This chassis offers the option of using the IAP Tool (In
Application Programming), a hardware interface between a
computer and the TV chassis, for software uploading to the TV
set. See also paragraph "Service Tools: IAP Tool").
5.2.1 Service Default Mode (SDM)
• To create a predefined setting for measurements to be
• To override software protections.
• To start the “Blinking LED Procedure”.
• To inspect the error buffer.
• To check the life timer.
Table 5-1 SDM default settings
• All picture settings at 50% (brightness, colour contrast,
• Bass, treble and balance at 50%; volume at 25%.
• All service-unfriendly modes (if present) are disabled. The
service unfriendly modes are:
– Timer / Sleep timer.
– Child / parental lock.
– Blue mute.
– Hotel / hospital mode.
– Auto shut off (when no “IDENT” video signal is
received for 15 minutes).
– Skipping of non-favourite presets / channels.
– Auto-storage of personal presets.
– Auto user menu time-out.
– Auto Volume Levelling (AVL).
How to Enter
To enter SDM, use one of the following methods:
• Press the following key sequence on the remote control
transmitter: “062596” directly followed by the MENU button
(do not allow the OSD display to time out between entries
while keying the sequence).
• Short the SDM contact to mass (see Figure "SDM Service
contact") on the TV board and apply AC Power. Remove
the short after start-up.
Caution: Entering SDM by shorting the "Service" contact
to mass will override the software protections. Do this only
for a short period. When doing this, the service-
technician must know exactly what he is doing, as it
could damage the television set.
Figure 5-1 SDM Service contact (for SDM: short to mass)
After entering SDM, the following screen is visible, with SDM in
the upper right corner of the screen to indicate that the
television is in Service Default Mode.
Figure 5-2 SDM menu (example)
Region Freq. (MHz)
Europe, AP-PAL/Multi 475.25 PAL B/G
NAFTA, AP-NTSC, LATAM 61.25 (ch. 3) NTSC M
00025 L06EF1 1.2
ERR 0 0 0 0 0
OP 136 008 006 000 000 002 016