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Starting Playback at a Specific Track
There are three ways to beginplaybackon anAudio CD at a specific
Track.Youmayusethe Number buttons, the SEARCHMODE button, _
or the SKIP_ I_lpl buttons.For details,read the informationbelow. _ m
• Before you begin, place the DVD/VCR in DVD mode.
Press the DVD/VCR OUTPUT button so that the red DVD light
appears on the front of the DVD/VCR.
Using the Number Buttons to Select aTtack
Press the DVD button, then press the Number buttons to
enter the desired Track number. The selectedTrackwill be
located, and playbackwill start.You may select aTrack with the
Number buttons during playbackor when playbackis stopped.
For single-digitTracks,pressasingle Number button. For example,to
playTrack three, press the Number 3 button.
ForTr_cks numbered I0 and above,pressthe +10 button (repeated-
ly,if necessary),then pressthe Number button of the second digit.
For example,to playTrack 12,pressthe +FObutton, then pressthe
Number 2 button. ForTrack 22,press the +10 button twice, then
pressthe Number 2 button.
Ifyou enter aTrack number that isnot availableon the Disc,playback
will not begin (or the currentTrack will continue to play)•
Using the SEARCH MODE Button to Select aTrack
Press the DVD button, then press the SEARCH MODE but-
ton once, then pressthe A/v buttons to select the Track
number you desire. Finally,press the PLAY button to begin
playback at the selected Track.
If you pressthe SEARCHMODE button once during playback,the
current Track number will be displayedinside the brackets.
TRACK: [ 6 ]
Start _ Exit
Using the SKIP _ _ Buttons to Select aTrack
Press the DVD button, then press the SKIP I1_ button during
playback to skip the current Track and move to the next
Track. Press the SKIP _ button repeatedly to skip subse-
quent Tracks.TheTracknumberwillappearbrieflyon the "iV screen.
Press the SKIPI_ button during playback to return to the
beginning of the current Track. Pressthe SKIPI_ button
repeatedly to go to previousTracks.The Tracknumberwill appear
brieflyon theTV screen.
If you pressaSKIPbuttonwhenplaybackispaused,you must pressthe
PLAYbuttonto resumeplayback
If you pressaSKIPbuttonwhen playbackisstopped,the selectedTrack
will beginplayingautomatically.