24 DVD/VCRDisplay- DVDFeatures
Messages about current DVD
operations appear here. See
Display Messages below.
Disc loading tray /
Insert a Disc here.
DVD Light (red)
This light appearswhen the DVD/VCR isin DVD mode.Youcan only
watch DVDs when the DVD light is on.To makethe DVD light comeon,
pressthe OUTPUT button on the front of the DVD/VCR.
pHIULIS _--_ _ 1
Ill ....... !!
POWER Light \
This Light appearswhen the
power is on.
Lit w_hena DVD is -'-'--I
inserted.When the l
DVD light is on,the l
disc is loaded completely I r _. _
andisreadyforplayback.Litwhen an Audio CD-___ _ _ Qz_I 10_=_c0_ _°0_]___ _0 0D_(J0__ _D_Jc_-_"0_]c0_0_ill,....numberD'Sp!ays(DVD)atitle
is inserted.When the Displaysa chapter (DVD)
CD light is on,the disc is or track (Audio CD) number Displaysthe elapsedtime
loaded completely and is of the current title (DVD)
ready for playback, or track (Audio CD)
Display Messages
!JCl ii-i
I I t8 I_ I_ I_1 Power isturning on.
I"I I--I I-- Appears after the disc tray closes if the tray
'1'_1 il IS'-- ,sempty.
|"I 0|---- |"I Tray is opening or is open.
U| Lll
I_I |"I C C Tray is closing.
LL! --*L-
|_! OO t" !..I Appears briefly when you pressthe SKIPbuttons
_'! I1_ I.. ! ! to searchfor the next or previous chapter/track.
il ':IE Power is turning off.
| |"It! T| Disc is
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