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The following tape playbackfeatures are availableinVCR mode.
Automatic Playback
When you put a tape inthe DVD/VCR, the power will come on
automatically.If the tape's record tab is missing,playbackwill begin.
If a timer recording is set,and theTIMER SETlight is flashing,the
power will not come on automatically when you insert a tape with
the record tab intact.
If a timer recording isset and theTIMER SET light is flashing,the
DVD/VCR will eject the tape if the record tab ismissing.
Automatic Rewind, Eject
When a tape isplayed,fastforwarded,or recorded to its end,the
DVD/VCR will rewind the tape,stop, then eject the tape.
If the real-time counter memory is set, the DVD/VCR will only
rewind the tape to the point at which the counter is set to zero,
then stop.The DVD/VCR will not eject the tape automatically.If
REPF__TPLAYisset to ON, the DVD/VCR will not eject the tape
Tape Eject
A tape can be ejected with the DVD/VCR power on or off (but the
DVD/VCR must be pluggedin).
If a timer recording is set,and theTIMER SETlightis on or flashing,
the tape cannot be ejected.Toeject the tape,you must first press the
TIMER SETbutton to cancelthe timer recording,then pressthe
STOP/EJECTbutton to remove the tape.Toreset the timer record-
ing,insert a tape,then pressthe TIMERSETbutton to put the
DVD/VCR in standby mode for the timer recording.
Automatic Tracking Adjustment
The DVD/VCR adjuststracking automatically to give you the best
possiblepicture quality.With some recordings, however,you mayget
a better picture usingthe manualtracking controls (seebelow).
Manual Tracking
To manuallyadjust the tracking during normal playbackand slow
motion playback,pressthe CHANNEL A/v buttons on the
DVD/VCR. (The CHANNEL A/v buttons on the remote control
will not adjust tracking.)
Trackingwill return to Automatic TrackingAdiustment when you
pressthe STOP button or insert a tape.
You cannot manuallyadjustthe tracking of a Still picture.However,
you may pressthe CHANNEL _/_ buttons on the front of the
D'qD/VCR to remove vertical jitter in a Stillpicture.
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Tracking _---_ Tracking
Adjustment Adjustment