2 Cleanthehumidicationltergentlywiththecleaningbrushsupplied
under a slowly running tap.
3 Putthehumidicationlterbackintothewatertank.
Descale the humidication lter when the rst speed light (with the
indication CLEAN 1/5 above it) ashes.
Note: It is important to descale the humidifying lter to avoid scale build-up,
which would seriously affect the humidifying performance.
1 Removethehumidicationlterfromthewatertank.
Note: You have to remove the water bucket rst before you can remove the
water tank.
2 Mix white vinegar (5ml/100 ml acetic acid) with an equal amount
of tap water in a container that is large enough to soak the
Note: If there are white deposits (scale) on the lter, make sure the side with
the white deposits is immersed in the water.
3 Letthehumidicationltersoakinthesolutionfor1hour.
4 Discard the water-vinegar solution.
5 Rinsethehumidicationlterunderthetaptorinseawayvinegar
the front and back sides are rinsed.
6 Letexcesswaterdripoffthehumidicationlter.
7 Putthehumidicationlterbackintothewatertank.Seechapter
Cleaning schedule
Frequency Cleaning method
Every day Rinse water bucket
Rinse water tank
Rinse water tank lid
Rinse water softener
Every week Rinse humidication lter
When the rst speed light (with the indication
CLEAN 1/5 above it) ashes (approx. once a
Clean pre-lter
Descale humidication lter with vinegar-water
Every 2 months Clean air quality sensor and air humidity
sensor with cotton swab
When necessary Wipe surface of appliance with soft dry cloth