7 Clean the water softener under a running tap with the cleaning
brush supplied.
Do not use any other substance than water to clean the water softener.
8 Wipethewaterfromthewatersoftenerwithasoft,drycloth.
9 Place the water softener back into the water tank.
10 Alignthetwoprojectionsofthelidwiththeholesinthewatertank
and put the lid on the water tank. Then close the four clips to lock
the lid (click).
Pre-lter and humidication lter
Note: Only the pre-lter, the humidication lter and the water softener
are washable. All other lters are NOT washable.
Filter 1 (pre-lter) and lter 5 (humidication lter) cleaning
- Clean the pre-lter and descale the humidication lter when the rst
speed light (with the indication CLEAN 1/5 above it) ashes to ensure
optimal functioning of the appliance.
- The light ashes approximately once a month, depending on how
frequently you use the appliance.
- The light is a reminder for you to clean the pre-lter and to descale the
humidication lter. It stops ashing automatically after 24 hours.
- The light keeps ashing for 24 hours after you have cleaned the lters.
This is normal.
Cleaning the pre-lter
1 Cleanthepre-lterunderarunningtap.Ifthepre-lterisverydirty,
use a soft brush to brush away the dust
Note: Make sure pre-lter is dry before you put it back into the appliance.
Tip: Alternatively, you can clean the pre-lter by removing the dust with a
vacuum cleaner.
Cleaning the humidication lter
You have to rinse the humidication lter every week to keep it hygienically
clean.In addition, you have to descale the humidication lter when the rst
speed light (with the indication CLEAN 1/5 above it) ashes.
1 Removethehumidicationlterfromthewatertank.Seechapter
Note: You have to remove the water bucket rst before you can remove the
water tank.