1 PresstheSELECTbuttononceortwicetoselectairpurication
, Iftheapplianceissettoairpuricationonly,thePURIFIERlightison.
, Iftheapplianceissettoairhumidicationcombinedwithair
Note: To ensure that the air that comes out of the appliance is clean, it is not
possible to set the appliance to air humidication only.
Setting the fan speed
1 Toselectoneofthe4fanspeedsforairpurication,pressthe
SPEED button one or more times.
, The corresponding fan speed light shows the set fan speed.
Note: When you set a fan speed with the SPEED button, the AUTO mode,
SILENT mode and BOOST POWER mode are deactivated.
When you use the appliance in silent mode, it operates very quietly.
Note: You can use the SILENT mode with or without air humidication.