
activate is complete!
Windows Name Server (WINS)
The Model 2120 supports WINS address exchange with the PPP device.
Primary and secondary WINS addresses can be configured for the PPP
client device. The primary and secondary WINS addresses are config-
ured by executing the following commands at the 2120 command system
TS>configure eia232 ppp priwinsaddr <Address of Primary
TS>configure eia232 ppp secwinsaddr <Address of Second-
ary DNS><Enter>
TS>configure eia232 ppp peernsaddruseena no
TS>configure activate
activate is complete!
Obtaining Name Server Addresses From PPP Client
The Model 2120 may also obtain name server addresses from the PPP
device connected to the serial interface. Every time a PPP establishes a
connection, the Model 2120 will use the name server addresses pro-
vided by the PPP instead of the other configured name server addresses
(DNS and WINS). Obtaining name server addresses from the PPP/SLIP
is configured by executing the following commands at the 2120 com-
mand system prompt:
TS>configure eia232 ppp peernsaddruseena yes
TS>configure activate
activate is complete!
Obtaining Name Server Addresses From SLIP Client
When operating in SLIP mode, the Model 2120 must obtain name server
addresses from the SLIP device connected to the serial interface. Every
time a SLIP establishes a connection, the Model 2120 will use the name
server addresses provided by the SLIP. Obtaining name server
addresses from the SLIP is configured by executing the following com-
mands at the 2120 command system prompt: