
Unit IP Address
The IP address used to manage the Model 2120 unit can be configured
statically or dynamically. The Model 2120 is defaulted to use DHCP
(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) to dynamically obtain the unit IP
address over the LAN from an active DHCP server. When using DHCP,
the 2120 sends the DHCP server MAC address information and dynami-
cally obtains its IP address based on the unit MAC address (factory con-
figured). This feature reduces the number of IP addresses on the
network and minimizes network administration.
Enabling DHCP to dynamically obtain the unit IP address is accom-
plished by executing the following commands at the 2120 command sys-
tem prompt:
TS>configure system dhcpena yes<Enter>
TS>configure activate<Enter>
activate is complete!
For applications that require a static IP address for the Model 2120 unit,
an assigned IP address is obtained from your Network Administrator,
and is configured by executing the following commands at the 2120 com-
mand system prompt:
TS>configure system ipaddrcfg <assigned IP
TS>configure system dhcpena no<Enter>
TS>configure activate<Enter>
activate is complete!
Serial Interface IP Address
When operating in Telnet and Raw-TCP modes, the Model 2120 uses the
active unit IP address (static or dynamic) as the serial interface IP
address. These modes use a TCP port number to differentiate between
the unit and serial interface and do not consume a second IP address.
When operating in PPP mode, the serial interface IP address can be
configured statically or dynamically using a DHCP server. Further, the
PPP IP address may be obtained from the PPP dial-up device connected
to the serial interface.