
For PPP applications that require a static IP address for the serial inter-
face, an assigned IP address is obtained from your Network Administra-
tor, and is configured by executing the following commands at the 2120
command system prompt:
TS>configure eia232 interface ipaddrcfg <assigned IP
TS>configure eia232 ppp dhcpena no<Enter>
TS>configure activate<Enter>
activate is complete!
The Model 2120 is configured for PPP applications that require the serial
interface IP address to be dynamically assigned by a DHCP Server by
executing the following commands at the 2120 command system prompt:
TS>configure eia232 ppp dhcpena yes<Enter>
TS>configure activate<Enter>
activate is complete!
The Model 2120 may also obtain the serial interface IP address from the
PPP client device connected to the serial interface. In this scenario,
every time a PPP client establishes a PPP connection, the Model 2120
will use the IP address provided by the PPP instead of a static or
dynamic IP address. PPP IP addressing is configured by executing the
following commands at the 2120 command system prompt:
TS>configure eia232 ppp peeripaddruseena yes<Enter>
TS>configure activate<Enter>
activate is complete!
When operating in SLIP mode, the serial interface IP address must be
configured the same as the IP address assigned to the device connected
to the serial interface. The static serial interface IP address for SLIP
operations is configured by executing the following commands at the
2120 command system prompt:
TS>configure eia232 interface ipaddrcfg <IP address of
device connected to serial interface><Enter>
TS>configure eia232 ppp dhcpena no<Enter>
TS>configure activate<Enter>
activate is complete!