
Regarding Windows Vista
User Account Control is a new security component of Windows Vista to stop unauthorized changes to your computer.
The User Account Control message will pop up every time you try making an important change to your computer.
The Windows Sidebar does not appear in the default setting. To display it, click (Start) - [All Programs] - [Accessories] -
[Windows Sidebar].
z To always display the sidebar:
A Right-click the sidebar icon on the notification area, and click [Properties].
B Add a check mark for [Start Sidebar when Windows starts] and click [OK].
If you cannot communicate with the access point or if the access point is not detected, right-click on the notification area
and click [Connect to a network], and then click in the [Connect to a network] screen.
z Sound (e.g. MP3, WMA) and video (e.g. MPG, WMV) recorded in PC Cards and SD Memory Cards may be interrupted
during playback. If this happens, copy them to the hard disk drive and play back.
z Sound and video in AVI files may be interrupted or produce a time-lag during playback. If this happens, click or on
the notification area, and click [High performance]. This may remedy the problem.
z Depending on the processing status on Windows, sound may be interrupted at Windows startup. You can mute the sound
at startup.
A Right-click the desktop and click [Personalize] - [Sounds].
B Remove the check mark from [Play Windows Startup sound], and click [OK].
User Account Control
Windows Sidebar
When Using Wireless LAN
Sound and Video