Conventions This Guide Uses
Nokia Intellisync Mobile Suite Linux Installation Guide 7
Text Conventions
Table 2 describes the text conventions in this guide.
( . , ; + * - / ) Punctuation and mathematical notations are literal symbols that
you must enter exactly as shown.
' ' Single quotation marks are literal symbols that you must enter as
Table 1 Command-line Conventions (continued)
Convention Description
Table 2 Text Conventions
Convention Description
monospace font
Indicates command syntax, or represents computer or screen
output, for example:
Log error 12453
bold monospace font
Indicates text you enter or type, for example:
# configure nat
Key names Keys that you press simultaneously are linked by a plus sign (+):
Press Ctrl + Alt + Del.
Menu commands Menu commands are separated by a greater than sign (>):
Choose File > Open.
The words enter and type Enter indicates you type something and then press the Return or
Enter key.
Do not press the Return or Enter key when an instruction says
• Emphasizes a point or denotes new terms at the place where
they are defined in the text.
• Indicates an external book title reference.
• Indicates a variable in a command:
delete interface if_name