6 Nokia Intellisync Mobile Suite Linux Installation Guide
Command-line Conventions
You may encounter one or more of the following elements on a command-line path.
Table 1 Command-line Conventions
Convention Description
command This required element is usually the product name or other short
word that invokes the product or calls the compiler or preprocessor
script for a compiled Nokia product. It might appear alone or
precede one or more options. You must spell a command exactly
as shown and use lowercase letters.
Italics Indicates a variable in a command that you must supply. For
delete interface if_name
Supply an interface name in place of the variable. For example:
delete interface nic1
angle brackets < > Indicates arguments for which you must supply a value:
retry-limit <1–100>
Supply a value. For example:
retry-limit 60
Square brackets [ ] Indicates optional arguments.
delete [slot slot_num]
For example:
delete slot 3
Vertical bars, also called a
Separates alternative, mutually exclusive elements.
framing <sonet | sdh>
To complete the command, supply the value. For example:
framing sonet
framing sdh
-flag A flag is usually an abbreviation for a function, menu, or option
name, or for a compiler or preprocessor argument. You must enter
a flag exactly as shown, including the preceding hyphen.
.ext A filename extension, such as .ext, might follow a variable that
represents a filename. Type this extension exactly as shown,
immediately after the name of the file. The extension might be
optional in certain products.