2 Server Installation
24 Nokia Intellisync Mobile Suite Linux Installation Guide
! To allow end users to access their information from the Web PIM, go to User Settings >
Email Accelerator > Email Accelerator User. Click “Setting: Default,” and then click Edit.
From the Settings tab, select the “Enable PIM functionality on the Web” option.
Provisioning Windows Mobile 5 Clients on Non-standard Ports
Nokia Intellisync Mobile Suite is capable of running on non-standard ports, however this feature
is not officially supported. If you change the HttpSSLPort value from the default SSL port 443 in
the Secure Gateway configuration file, you must update the over-the-air delivery site with the
new port information. To do this, open the following file on the Nokia Intellisync Mobile Suite
In the section containing the <systemprop> tags, enter the new port number as follows.
<systemprop name="custom.ssl.port" value="newportnumber"/>
For example, if you change the HttpSSLPort value to 445 in the Secure Gateway configuration
file, edit the syncserver.xml file as follows to set the Nokia Intellisync Mobile Suite port to 445.
<systemprop name="custom.ssl.port" value="445"/>
Starting and Stopping Services
Services start automatically after the installation completes. However, if you need to manually
stop or start the services, use the following commands.
To start Nokia Intellisync Mobile Suite services, run the following commands as root:
/et/init.d/asadb start
/etc/init.d/securegateway start
/etc/init.d/mobilesuite start
To stop Nokia Intellisync Mobile Suite services, run the following commands as root:
/etc/init.d/mobilesuite stop
/etc/init.d/securegateway stop
/etc/init.d/asadb stop
Checking the Status of Services
To check the status of running services, use the status argument for any script, as shown in the
example below.
/etc/init.d/mobilesuite status
/etc/init.d/securegateway status
/etc/init.d/asadb status