¼ Never let children ride unrestrained
or extend their hands or face out of
the window. Do not attempt to hold
them in your lap or arms. Some ex-
amples of dangerous riding positions
are shown in the previous illustra-
tions. Preteens and children should
be properly restrained in the rear
seat if possible.
¼ Children may be severely injured or
killed when the supplemental front
air bags, side or curtain side-impact
air bags inflate if they are not prop-
erly restrained. Preteens and children
should be properly restrained in the
rear seat if possible.
¼ Also never install a rear facing child
restraint in the front seat. An inflating
supplemental front air bag could se-
riously injure or kill your child. For
additional information, see “Child re-
straints” later in this section.
1-12 Seats, restraints and supplemental air bag systems
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