Failure to operate this vehicle in a safe
and prudent manner may result in loss
of control or an accident.
Be alert and drive defensively at all times. Obey
all traffic regulations. Avoid excessive speed,
high speed cornering, or sudden steering ma-
neuvers, because these driving practices could
cause you to lose control of your vehicle. As
with any vehicle, a loss of control could
result in a collision with other vehicles or
objects, or cause the vehicle to rollover,
particularly if the loss of control causes the
vehicle to slide sideways. Be attentive at all
times, and avoid driving when tired. Never drive
when under the influence of alcohol or drugs
(including prescription or over-the-counter
drugs which may cause drowsiness). Always
wear your seat belt. See “Seat belts” in the “1.
Seats, restraints and supplemental air bag sys-
tems” section. Also instruct your passengers to
do so.
Seat belts help reduce the risk of injury in
collisions and rollovers. In a rollover crash, an
unbelted or improperly belted person is
significantly more likely to be injured or
killed than a person properly wearing a
seat belt.
Utility vehicles have a significantly higher
rollover rate than other types of vehicles.
They have higher ground clearance than passen-
ger cars to make them capable of performing in
a variety of on-pavement and offroad applica-
tions. This gives them a higher center of gravity
than ordinary cars. An advantage of higher
ground clearance is a better view of the road,
allowing you to anticipate problems. However,
they are not designed for cornering at the same
speeds as conventional two-wheel drive ve-
hicles any more than low-slung sports cars are
designed to perform satisfactorily under offroad
conditions. If at all possible, avoid sharp turns or
abrupt maneuvers, particularly at high speeds.
As with other vehicles of this type, failure to
operate this vehicle correctly may result in loss
of control or vehicle rollover.
Be sure to read the driving safety precautions
later in this section.
Never drive under the influence of alco-
hol or drugs. Alcohol in the bloodstream
reduces coordination, delays reaction
time and impairs judgment. Driving after
drinking alcohol increases the likeli-
hood of being involved in an accident
injuring yourself and others. Addition-
ally, if you are injured in the accident,
alcohol can increase the severity of the
NISSAN is committed to safe driving. You must
not drive under the influence of alcohol. Every
year thousands of people are injured or killed in
alcohol related accidents. Although the local
laws vary on what is considered to be legally
intoxicated, the fact is that alcohol affects all
people differently and most people underesti-
mate the effects of alcohol.
Remember, drinking and driving don’t mix!
And that’s true for drugs too (over the counter,
prescription, and illegal drugs). Don’t drive if
Starting and driving 5-5
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