6. Aftertheenginecools down,checkthecool-
ant level in the engine coolant reservoir tank
with the engine running. Add coolant to the
engine coolant reservoir tank if necessary.
Have your vehicle repaired at a NISSAN
When towing your vehicle, all State (Provincial in
Canada)and localregulations fortowing mustbe
followed.Incorrecttowingequipment coulddam-
age your vehicle. Towing instructions are avail-
able from a NISSANdealer. Local service opera-
torsaregenerally familiarwiththe applicablelaws
and procedures for towing. To assure proper
towing andto prevent accidentaldamage to your
vehicle, NISSAN recommends having a service
operator tow your vehicle. It is advisable to have
the service operator carefully read the following
● Never ride in a vehicle that is being
● Neverget under your vehicleafter it has
been lifted by a tow truck.
● When towing, make sure that the trans-
mission, axles, steering system and
powertrain are in working condition. If
any of theseconditions apply, dollies or
a flatbed tow truck must be used.
● Always attach safety chains before
For information about towingyour vehicle behind
a recreational vehicle (RV), refer to “Flat towing”
in the“Technical andconsumer information”sec-
tion of this manual.
In case of emergency 6-11