
Sampling frequency — Sampling frequency
is the rate at which the samples of a signal
are converted from analog to digital (A/D
conversion) per second.
Multisession Multisession is one of the
methods for writing data to media. Writing
data once to the media is called a single
session,and writingmorethan onceiscalled
a multisession.
ID3/WMA Tag The ID3/WMA tag is the
part of the encoded MP3 or WMA file that
contains information about the digital music
file such as song title, artist, encoding bit
rate, track time duration, etc. ID3 tag infor-
mation is displayed on the Artist/song title
line on the display.
* Windows, Windows Media and Windows
Vistaare registered trademarks and trademarks
in the United States of America and other coun-
tries of Microsoft Corporation of the USA.
Playback order:
Music playback order ofa CD with MP3 or WMA
files is as illustrated.
The names of folders not containing MP3 or
WMA files are not shown in the display.
If there is a file in the top level of the disc,
“Root Folder” is displayed.
The playback order is the order in which the
files were written by the writing software.
Therefore, the files might not play in the
desired order.
Playback order chart
4-54 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems