● Do not use the HomeLinkா Universal
Transceiver with any garage door
opener that lacks safety stop and re-
verse features as required by federal
safety standards. (These standards be-
came effective for opener models
manufactured after April 1, 1982). A ga-
rage door opener which cannot detect
an objectin thepath of aclosing garage
door and then automatically stop and
reverse, does not meet current federal
safety standards. Using a garage door
opener without these features in-
creases the risk of serious injury or
● During the programming procedure
your garage door or security gate will
open and close (if the transmitter is
within range). Make sure that people or
objects are clear of the garage door,
gate, etc. that you are programming.
● Your vehicle’s engine should be turned
off while programming the HomeLinkா
Universal Transceiver.
1. To begin, press and hold the two outer
HomeLinkா buttons (to clear the memory)
until the indicator light
blinks (after 20
seconds). Release both buttons.
2. Positionthe endof thehand-held transmitter
1 - 3 inches (26 - 76 mm) away from the
HomeLinkா surface.
3. Using both hands,simultaneously press and
hold boththe HomeLinkாbutton you wantto
program and the hand-held transmitter but-
DO NOTrelease thebuttons until step4 has
been completed.
4. Hold down both buttons until the indicator
light on the HomeLinkா flashes, changing
from a “slow blink” to a “rapidly flashing
blink”. This could take up to 90 seconds.
When theindicator lightflashes rapidly, both
buttons may be released. The rapidly flash-
ing light indicates successful programming.
To activate the garage door or other pro-
WIC0986 WIC0987
Instruments and controls 2-53