Appendix B
3DES Triple DES, with a 168 bit encryption key, is the most accepted variant
of DES.
DH Group Diffie-Hellman is a public key algorithm used between two systems to
determine and deliver secret keys used for encryption. Groups 1, 2
and 5 are supported. Also, see Diffie-Hellman listing.
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A network configuration proto-
col that lets a router or other device assign IP addresses and supply
other network configuration information to computers on your net-
dial in Port setting that specifies that other routers can initiate a connection
to the local router but that the local router cannot initiate a connection
to other routers. A port can be set as both dial in and dial out. Com-
pare dial out.
dial on demand Communication circuit opened over standard telephone lines when a
network connection is needed.
dial out Port setting that specifies that it can initiate a connection to other
routers but that other routers cannot initiate a connection to it. A port
can be set as both dial in and dial out. Compare dial in.
A group of key-agreement algorithms that let two computers compute
a key independently without exchanging the actual key. It can gener-
ate an unbiased secret key over an insecure medium.
domain name Name identifying an organization on the Internet. Domain names con-
sists of sets of characters separated by periods (dots). The last set of
characters identifies the type of organization (.GOV, .COM, .EDU) or
geographical location (.US, .SE).
domain name server Network computer that matches host names to IP addresses in
response to Domain Name System (DNS) requests.
Domain Name System
Standard method of identifying computers by name rather than by
numeric IP address.
DSL Digital Subscriber Line. Modems on either end of a single twisted pair
wire that delivers ISDN Basic Rate Access.
DTE Data Terminal Equipment. Network node that passes information to a
DCE (modem) for transmission. A computer or router communicating
through a modem is an example of a DTE device.
DTR Data Terminal Ready. Circuit activated to indicate to a modem (or
other DCE) that the computer (or other DTE) is ready to send and
receive data.
echo interval Frequency with which the router sends out echo requests.
Enable This toggle button is used to enable/disable the configured tunnel.
encapsulation Technique used to enclose information formatted for one protocol,
such as AppleTalk, within a packet formatted for a different protocol,
such as TCP/IP.
Encrypt Protocol Encryption protocol for the tunnel session.
Parameter values supported include NONE or ESP.
encryption The application of a specific algorithm to a data set so that anyone
without the encryption key cannot understand the information.