
Appendix A Starting and Ending a CLI Session
Starting and Ending a CLI Session
There are two ways to open a CLI session:
1. Open a telnet connection from a workstation on your network
2. Connect a terminal to the Maintenance Port located on the rear panel
of the Cayman Gateway.
Connecting from telnet
You initiate a telnet connection by issuing the following command from an IP
host that supports telnet, for example, a personal computer running a telnet
application such as NCSA Telnet.
You must know the IP address of the Cayman Gateway before you can make a tel-
net connection to it. By default, your Cayman Gateway uses as
the IP address for its LAN interface. You can use a Web browser or the mainte-
nance console to configure the Cayman Gateway IP address.
Connecting from the Maintenance Console Port
You can connect a terminal or terminal emulator to the maintenance console port
on the Cayman Gateway to configure, administer, and monitor your Cayman
The settings for your terminal emulator are:
Speed: 9600 bps
Parity: None
Databits: 8
Stopbits: 1
Duplex: Full
Flow Control: None
The console interface uses the same command line interface as the telnet inter-
Logging In
The command line interface log-in process emulates the log-in process for a UNIX
host. To logon, enter the username (either admin or user), and your password.
Entering the administrator password lets you display and update all Cayman
Gateway settings.
Entering a user password lets you display (but not update) Cayman Gateway
BOTH telnet <