Appendix A Overview
The Cayman Gateway operating software includes a command line interface (CLI)
that lets you access your Cayman Gateway over a telnet or console connection.
You can use the command line interface to enter and update the unit’s configura-
tion settings, monitor its performance, and restart it.
The CLI has two major command modes: SHELL and CONFIG. Summary tables
that list the commands are provided below. Details of the entire command set fol-
low in this section.
Tour: Command Line Interface
Appendix A
SHELL Commands
Command Status and/or Description
arp send ARP request
atmping send ATM OAM loopback (DSL only)
clear erase all stored configuration information
configure set the unit’s options
diagnose run the automatic self-test
download download the config file
help get more information on a command: “help all” or “help help”
install download and program an image into flash
log add a message to the diagnostic log
loglevel report or change diagnostic log level
netstat show IP information
nslookup send DNS query for host
ping send ICMP echo request
quit quit this shell
reset reset subsystems
restart restart the Gateway
show display specific system information
start start subsystem
status display basic status of Gateway
telnet telnet to a remote host
traceroute send traceroute probes
upload upload config file
who show who is using the shell
wireless execute wireless TEACH or LEARN