Technical Specifications A -1
February 2005
Appendix A
Technical Specifications
This appendix provides technical specifications for the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PC
Card WPN511
A n te n n a e 2 I n te gra te d i n te rn a l d i ve rsity a n te n n a e
R adio D ata R ate 1, 2, 5.5, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54, and 108 M bps (Auto R ate Sensing)
F requ ency 2.4G H z to 2.5G H z C C K and O F D M M odu lation)
P ower Consumption 3.3V D C , typically 400mA in full transmit (TX), 300mA in full R eceive (R X)
and 40mA in power save mode
Emissions FCC, CE, TELEC
Bus interface Cardbus
P rovided drivers M icrosoft W indows 98, 2000, M E , XP
D imensions L: 120mm
W : 54 m m
H : 7 m m
Weight 40 g
Status LED Wireless Link
Operating Environment Operating temperature: 0 to 55 degree C
Safety US: UL1950
E ncryption 40-bit (also called 64-bit) and 1 28-bit W E P data encryption
W arra nty L im ited 3-year warranty