User Manual for the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PC Card WPN511
2-4 Introduction
February 2005
Protect my
connection from
hacking, or
th e ft.
1 . A s s u re th a t th e
network has
fe a tu re s
2. Configure my
WPN511 with
th e se cu rity
s etti n g s of th e
3. Use W indows
fe a tu re s.
1 . A wi re le s s n e twork with
a u th e n tica tion a n d W E P
encryption enabled.
2. W ireless networking
equipment that supports WEP
encryption, such as the
WPN511 and all NETGEAR
wireless networking products.
To learn about wireless
networking security, see
“A u thentication and W E P ” on
page B-2.
To use W E P security features,
see “E n ab ling W ireless S ecu rity
Features” on page 4-7 and
configure your WPN511
Note: Secure Internet sites such as banks and online merchants use encryption security built into browsers
like Internet E xplorer and N etscape. Any wireless networking security features you might implement are in
a d d i tion to th os e a lrea d y in p la ce on s e cu re I n te rn e t s ite s.
Connect to the
Internet over my
1 . A cti va te m y
wireless link
and verify my
2. Open an
browser such
as Internet
E xplorer or
1 . A n a ctive I n te rn e t con n ecti on
like those from cable or D S L
service providers.
2 . A wire le ss n e twork con n e cte d
to th e ca b le or D S L I n te rn e t
service throu gh a cab le/D S L
rou ter as illu strated in
“C onnecting to an A ccess
P oint in Infrastructure M ode”
on page 4-2.
3. TCP/IP Internet networking
software installed and
configured on my notebook PC
according to the requirements
of th e I n te rn e t s ervice p rovi d e r.
4. A b rowser like Internet
E xplorer or N etscape
To configure you r W P N 511 in
I n fra stru ctu re M od e , s e e “B asic
Installation Instructions” on
page 3-3, a n d loca te th e se cti on
for you r version of W ind ows.
For assistance with configuring
the TCP/IP Internet software on
a P C, see “P rep aring You r
Computers for TCP/IP
Networking” on page C-1 or refer
to th e P C N e tworki n g T u toria l on
th e NETGEAR RangeMax™
Wireless PC Card WPN511
Resource CD and the H elp
information provided in the
W indows system you are using.
Table 2-1. A Road Map for How to Get There From Here ...
If I Want To ... ? What Do I Do? What’s Needed? How Do I?