Chapter 17. Tools | 324
17. Tools
This chapter provides the following examples:
• Traceroute
• Configuration Scripting on page 326
• Pre-Login Banner on page 329
• Port Mirroring on page 330
• Dual Image on page 331
• Outbound Telnet on page 334
This section describes the traceroute feature. Use traceroute to discover routes that packets
take when traveling on a hop-by-hop basis to their destination through the network.
• Tracerout maps network routes by sending packets with small time-to-live (TTL) values
and watches the ICMP time-out announcements.
• The tracerout command displays all L3 devices.
• It can be used to detect issues on the network .
• Tracerout tracks up to 20 hops.
• The default UPD port is used 33343 unless you specify otherwise in the traceroute
The following shows an example of using the traceroute command to determine how
many hops there are to the destination. The command output shows each IP address the
packet passes through and how long it takes to get there. In this example, the packet takes
16 hops to reach its destination.