Chapter 11. CoS Queuing | 195
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
The IP precedence to queue mapping of the interface is displayed.
Configure Cos-queue Min-bandwidth and Strict Priority
Scheduler Mode
The example is shown as CLI commands and as a Web interface procedure.
CLI: Configure Cos-queue Min-bandwidth and Strict Priority
Scheduler Mode
(Netgear Switch) (Config)#cos-queue min-bandwidth?
<bw-0> Enter the minimum bandwidth percentage for Queue 0.
(Netgear Switch) (Config)#cos-queue min-bandwidth 15
Incorrect input! Use 'cos-queue min-bandwidth <bw-0>..<bw-7>.
(Netgear Switch) (Config)#cos-queue min-bandwidth 15 25 10 5 5 20 10 10
(Netgear Switch) (Config)#cos-queue strict?
<queue-id> Enter a Queue Id from 0 to 7.
(Netgear Switch) (Config)#cos-queue strict 1?
<cr> Press Enter to execute the command.
<queue-id> Enter an additional Queue Id from 0 to 7.
(Netgear Switch) (Config)#cos-queue strict 1
Web Interface: Configure CoS-queue Min-bandwidth and
Strict Priority Scheduler Mode
1. For Interface 1/0/2, set the minimum bandwidth to 15 for queue 0.
a. Select QoS > CoS >
Advanced > Interface Queue Configuration.
A screen similar to the following displays.
b. In the Queue ID list, select 0.